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Hi and thank you for visiting to read more about my brand new Programme, RESET. The idea of this programme is to do exactly what is says…………. RESET.

This is the 2nd programme in my series. The first one was called Action Against Anxiety which was more specifically written for anxiety sufferers. That programme looks at types of anxiety, triggers, safety behaviours and physical symptoms of anxiety and how to manage and live with anxiety effectively. It has been very successful and we have seen some great results. So, if after reading today you feel that the anxiety programme may be more for you then please click on the following link where you can learn more.

So my 2nd programme R.E.S.E.T came about after a realisation when working with new clients who were stuck and lacking direction that once we really got into it, it became clear that many areas of their lives were out of sync. So based on this realisation I have written a programme to simplify the pathway to getting my clients back on track and becoming the person they want to be. The programme has 5 elements:

R for Rediscover yourself

We can get to a point in life where we feel lost or stuck. We lack direction of where we want to go or what we want to do to make life ‘dance’ for us again. Maybe we have lost who we are. These feelings and experiences quite often come after a significant stage in life including:

Post Education – Do you choose a career or go to college or university for further education. It’s a difficult time of life for many reasons and making the decision that could affect the rest of your life can be very daunting. Maybe you would like to do both but don’t know how or where to start.

Post Family – returning to work after having a family or suffering with empty nest syndrome once your children have left home and you have no idea what to do with your time. Not all job roles are easy to go back to when you are juggling finances and childcare, you may need to find something else that will fit in with your new responsibilities but don’t know what you want to do or where to start.

Post Retirement – Now this could be retirement due to reaching natural retirement age, early retirement due to personal choice or ill health, or maybe medical retirement for medical/health reasons. Whatever the reason life is still there to be lived and you may not know how best to fill your time.

There are other reasons besides the ones I have just mentioned that this programme will help with including career changes, new hobbies and interests, building friendships etc. So if you’re not sure you fall into any of those, drop me a message to see how I can help.

So the first step in this programme uses a step-by-step formula to help you Rediscover the person you want to be and the life you want to live. By the end of it you will have an idea of what you want and what you perhaps don’t want. That will then lead onto the next stage:

E for Engage in Change

Change is something that has never come easy for me. But without learning to engage in change I wouldn’t be here helping you today, doing what I love and working towards living my best life. Change, no matter how small, can cause me anxiety and in the past has prevented me from moving forward, meaning missed opportunities and asking a lot of ‘what ifs’. Does this resonate with you?

Engaging in change can be the hardest part to master as we are asking ourselves to come outside of our comfort zone and change habits that have kept us where we are, for perhaps a very long time. Habits keep us comfortable and often keep us safe. These habits can be physical or emotional ones and although may be long standing, CAN be changed. Do you know it takes 21 days to make or break a habit and 66 days to become second nature? In the grand scheme of things, this is not long and certainly NOT impossible.

This part of the programme will look at your life balance and responses from Week 1 and will be the starting point of engaging in change. We will look at your thinking habits and I will teach you why we find it so hard to change.

S for Setting your Goals.

A few years ago I didn’t believe that goal setting worked. My mindset was ‘I know what I want, so I will just go and get it’. Little did I realise how difficult that is to do without a plan. It resulted in me feeling overwhelmed with no direction and very little success. I’m not saying that you have to set goals for everything, absolutely not. But when it comes to realising your dreams and ambitions, goal setting is key to success.

There are many ways to set goals, however they NEED to be ACHIEVABLE. Setting them too high too soon, could result in you feeling overwhelmed and failing at the first hurdle. This then leads to feelings of not being good enough and therefore, giving up. Goals should not be confused with your dreams. Your dreams can be huge, your goals to get there will be smaller and manageable.

This part of the programme will work on teaching you how to set achievable goals using the SMART and Goldilocks technique and monitoring progress.

E for Embracing the challenge.

To be successful in this stage takes a real conscious effort to stick with your plan. Things may need tweaking, things may not go exactly how you expect them to but this is an important part of the learning.

Choosing to do something different can be quite daunting and can often lead us to putting it off until ‘tomorrow’ and we all know ‘tomorrow’ never comes. Procrastination can really hold us back from reaching our full potential. Making a conscious effort to embrace the challenge ahead can be powerful and enlightening and give a real sense of fulfilment and purpose.

In this part of the programme we will look at ways to embrace the challenge and ensure your thought processes are firing right to be able to do this effectively.

I can talk from experience in how embracing the challenge can really spur you on to reach each goal. Small steps = small success. Small successes = bigger success. This in turn boosts confidence and self esteem. When I was working with my business coach, the first steps were really hard but once I got to this stage and realised my own potential, seeing the small success, even in just the way my thinking had changed, there was no stopping me.

T for Transforming your life

Sounds dramatic doesn’t it? But sometimes all it takes is a bit of courage to come out of your comfort zone and make changes to become the person you want to be.

Transformation can happen slowly and sometimes it’s, consciously unnoticeable. This is proof that new habits (whether physical or emotional) are forming, embedding and becoming second nature.

During this week we will look at your progress and revisit any topic that may need tweaking to be more effective. By the end of this programme you will have the skills, knowledge and techniques to use throughout your life. So next time you want to challenge yourself or find yourself stuck, and this could be in a totally different area of your life, you will be able to fall back on these skills to manage the next challenge successfully.

Again, from my own experience, when I wrote my first programme, Action Against Anxiety, it took a long time, it pushed my boundaries of confidence, I had to make some changes along the way but the end result was fantastic. I never dreamt I could write a successful programme when I first started out. The confidence I built through the process enabled me to write my second programme in a much smaller timeframe as I had the skills, knowledge and tools to do it. So this course could be looked at as a one stop shop in terms of learning how to reset yourself.

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